What are the best travel accessories?
When you go on a trip, you have to take with you a littleequipment and materials. But it’s not necessarily easy to know what to put in your backpack or suitcase. There are so many criteria to take into account that preparation can quickly become an endless headache. Between lightness and practicality, essential and indispensable or just in case, there is something to think about.
This page is therefore made to help you. So here, I will list several articles and pages, to help you choose the best travel accessories, but above all explain why and how they are useful when traveling etc. I will divide them by categories and subcategories.
First of all, you need luggage!
Because before talking about travel accessories, I have to talk to you about luggage. Because obviously, to take your material and equipment, you will need a suitcase, a backpack, or other luggage. And depending on how you travel, for how long, and other things you will not have the same needs. And I’m going to section this into three categories.
Checked baggage
Before leaving to travel, you will therefore put your main baggage in the hold. The one used above all to transport all the travel essentials in general.
- Choosing your travel suitcase
- Choosing your travel backpack
- Choosing your wheeled backpack
- Choosing your world tour backpack
Cabin baggage
Because if you’re only going for a few days you won’t necessarily need checked luggage, and you can simply take a small piece of luggage with you.
- Choosing your cabin suitcase.
- Choosing your cabin travel backpack
- What baggage to take in the cabin?
Baggage for the day
But, you will also need a small piece of luggage, which you will use all day, but also on the plane or on public transport for example. It will allow you to always have with you the essentials such as papers for example. But we also find
A few tips !
- Standard baggage sizes
- Traveling with a backpack or suitcase?
- What to put in my backpack for a plane trip?
- What to put in my daypack when traveling?
- What is the ideal weight for a suitcase or travel backpack?
- How to organize your luggage for traveling?
Choose your accessories wisely for a better trip!
Let’s start by looking at the essential accessories, depending on who you are, who you’re going with, where, when and how!
1 – Choose according to the type and mode of travel!
Depending on how you travel, you will need more or less things, but especially not necessarily the same travel accessories. If you travel in all-inclusive mode, it will be very different from if you travel in roots and camping mode. You will therefore have to make your choice:
- Accessories for an all-inclusive trip
- Accessories for a camping trip
- Accessories for a backpack trip
- Essential accessories for traveling
- Essential accessories for a road trip
- Essential accessories for traveling in a camper van or van
- Accessories for a bike trip
2 – Choose according to the duration of the trip!
The duration of the trip also matters greatly. We will not have the same needs if we go for 3 days in the city as if we go for 15 in the wilderness. In the same way, the necessary equipment will clearly not be the same if you leave for 3 weeks as if you leave for a world tour, here again you will have to do it accordingly:
- Travel accessories for a city trip
- Accessories for a round-the-world trip
- Essential travel accessories for a vacation
3 – Choose according to the people you are traveling with!
Going on a family trip will not require the same things as if you are traveling with a baby, a disabled person or even a senior. You will need to adapt the contents of your luggage depending on the person(s) you are traveling with.
- Travel accessories for seniors
- Baby travel accessories
- Travel accessories for the disabled
- Travel accessories for animals
4 – Choose based on who you are!
Of course your equipment will be slightly different depending on whether you are a woman or a man, but also depending on whether you are young or old, or if you are in great shape or if you have some health concerns:
- Travel accessories for women
- Travel accessories for men
5 – Choose according to the travel destination
The destination is a very important point that I could have put in position number 1. Clearly, depending on the country or place visited, you will not have the same needs in terms of travel accessories. Hot countries VS cold countries, rich countries vs poor countries etc.
6 – Choose according to the weather
Because yes, the weather is very important when you go on a trip! Is it a rather sunny and warm destination, or would it rather be a stay that promises to be rainy, windy or even snowy?!
- Travel accessories for the rain
- Travel accessories against the cold
- Accessories to protect yourself from the sun
- Accessories to protect yourself from the wind
7 – Choose according to the season!
The season and therefore the period in which you go will obviously count for a lot. Depending on whether it is winter or summer where you are going, this will be different. Fighting the cold is not the same as protecting yourself from the sun, we’re not lying!
- Accessories for a summer trip
- Accessories for a winter trip
7 – Choose according to your travel needs!
Not everyone has the same travel needs. Some people want to stay handsome/beautiful for example and will need beauty accessories, others will need a certain level of comfort, or still others will be rather minimalist:
- Minimalist travel accessories
- Comfortable travel accessories
- Accessories for the eco-friendly traveler
- Essential high-tech accessories when traveling
- Ultra light or ultra light travel accessories
8 – Choose according to the planned activities
Because going swimming has little to do with climbing a volcano for example, you will need to take with you some useful accessories depending on what you are going to do.
What to pack for travel?
After having seen the different accessories depending on the type of trip, we will get to the heart of the matter, and talk about accessories according to the category of need, that is to say the content to put in your backpack or suitcase.
Equipment for transport
In order to travel peacefully during transport journeys, you will need a few essential items.
Even if you don’t have to do any paperwork while traveling, you should take some papers with you. It is important that they are safe, not only from possible theft, but above all protected from bad weather or other travel circumstances.
Security Question
To ensure your safety but also that of your luggage, you will need some essential accessories.
Toilet kit
Hygiene when traveling is very important, and for this you must take with you some hygiene products and others in your toiletry bag.
Electronic equipment
Whether it’s to stay connected, book tickets, stay comfortable or anything else, you’ll need some electronic equipment.
Health Question
To ensure you stay healthy when you travel, you need to take a few essentials with you.
No matter the destination, you will take clothes with you. But it will be necessary to adapt according to several criteria.
Essential accessories
Some accessories are essential, but do not necessarily fit into the categories mentioned above.
The “just in case”!
Because there will also be accessories just in case, which will certainly not be useful to you, but which you must take because you never know.
Accessories for the day
When traveling you will have two pieces of luggage, the one for the day that you will have with you all the time, and the one which will contain the rest of your belongings.
What you need to eat
Eating while traveling does not necessarily mean going to a restaurant all the time. For this you will need some materials and equipment.
What you need to sleep
Because whatever happens, you will be led to sleep. No matter the place, when it’s time to sleep you will probably need certain things.
To drink while traveling
Hydrating yourself properly and drinking while traveling is very important, as it is at home. For this, you will need something to drink. Whether it’s a water bottle for the day, a straw for the restaurant, or something else, there are essential accessories for drinking while traveling:
- Essential accessories for drinking while traveling
- Which water bottle to buy and choose for traveling?
Organization and Storage
Because with everything we have to take with us to have a good trip, it is important to be well organized and above all to put our things away properly, otherwise it will quickly become a mess in our backpack and/or traveling bag.
Organize your bag or suitcase well!
With all the accessories and equipment that you are going to take, it is obvious that you will need a minimum of organization. And to do this, store your luggage correctly so you can find everything easily, but above all access it without problem and not spend hours looking for what you need. For this, here are some tips:
Tips, Tricks and Advice!
Choosing and buying the right travel accessories is one thing, taking them with you, using them, etc. is another. And I wanted to give you some advice. Whether it is to better organize your backpack or suitcase, store it properly, etc.
- Accessories that you can avoid taking when traveling
- 10 tips for traveling with peace of mind
- 18 things not to forget when traveling
In Conclusion and Opinion!
I hope this page has helped you take stock of what you will need when traveling. The essentials for your vacation according to your needs, desires and expectations. And finally, that it will allow you not to forget anything but above all not to clutter up either!
So what accessories do you take when traveling? Are there essentials and unnecessary things?