The essential accessories for traveling safely
Safety is most important when traveling. We often tend to take everything we consider to be a source of security only to end up taking too much space. Here are the essential items to take with you to ensure safe travel.
Your own safety
- Your own safety comes first regardless of the destination. It is essential to always have all your papers with you to guarantee your security. Opt for a small waterproof document holder such as a neck pouch or a travel belt to put all your papers such as your identity card, your passport, your plane ticket. If possible, make legalized photocopies and leave your papers safe.
- Also protect your documents, such as the passport which are clearly the most important, for example with a suitable passport cover. Or failing that, in a travel document pouch.
- To deal with accidents, always take a small medical notebook with you to write down all your allergies, illnesses and the number of your doctor (check your vaccinations before leaving depending on the destination). Also think about insurance in case something goes wrong. I suggest you leave all of this safe in your aid kit.
- When hiking or trekking, use a small survival kit or first aid kit to prepare for possible incidents. And regardless of the type of trip, remember to take a first aid kit with the minimum necessary medications (stomach aches, headaches, etc.)
- A little Travel GPS is required to locate you quickly if you get lost anywhere, just like a compass for places where you won’t get any reception. A map of the city or map of the country will also be very useful to you!
- Also take electrical accessories powered by solar energy such as a solar panel charger or an external solar battery, headlamps for your safety at night or in the event of a power outage.
- Of course you will also have to think about health safety by taking a first aid kit and a first aid kit. But also a survival kit and a survival blanket which can be interesting.
- Other accessories may be interesting, particularly for safety during activities. I think of anti-drowning bracelet for all your swimming and/or beach sessions, or anti shark bracelet.
Obviously when you go on a trip, inform your friends or loved ones of the chosen destination and of a possible route. Keep them informed, not necessarily every day or even every 5 minutes, but when you can to make sure everything is going well.
The security of your luggage
Because your safety is important, that of your luggage is also important. Thefts, breakages, losses and so on can unfortunately happen!
- Luggage is the main casualty when traveling. For security, use padlocks for your luggage. It is more advisable to use code padlock only key padlock. (preferably TSA lock). Also think about safety cable.
- A pouch or small bag is also recommended to store your money and valuables. Think for example of travel belts that are made on purpose. But there are also accessories such as mini travel safes.
- In the case of hiking, you will need to carry a backpack. In this case, use water-proof protective covers to protect your belongings and keep them away from pickpockets. Also think about protective covers for the plane For example.
- If you are carrying fragile items such as cameras, a shock-resistant bag is suitable. The best thing to do is to take this equipment with you in the cabin.
- Place a identification tag and straps on your luggage to avoid losing or damaging them.
- You will also need to think about the climate and weather and take with you accessories to protect your bag or suitcase such as airplane cover or the rainproof backpack protection, but also to protect the equipment.
Traveling with these few methods and accessories will allow you to make the most of your stay in complete peace of mind. This is just a brief overview but it’s the main takeaway. You can improve this list in the comments for example.
And you, what are your essentials when you travel, especially from a safety point of view?