What is our opinion on Booking.com? There is a good chance that you already know this website, which offers you a large number of services. But have you ever used it? If this is not yet the case, we offer you an overview of Booking.com, and the services that you can discover there.
Does Booking benefit from a good reputation on the internet? We will also tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the platform, for a reservation that meets your expectations!
Booking.com: what might you discover?
Booking is an online reservation site, on which you can prepare your next stay and reserve your accommodation. Between hotels, apartments, villas, hotel complexes, campsites, youth hostels and guest houses… You will be spoiled for choice when it comes to staying in a place that brings together all of your criteria!
In addition to providing you with these different accommodations, the site also offers you the opportunity to receive privileged offers by registering directly on the site. You can also benefit from advice on finding ideas for your next stay! A stroll in Europe, in one of the capitals that you do not yet know, or even a stay in France, in a region that you would like to discover. Everything is possible !
Our opinion on Booking.com: its advantages and disadvantages
Despite the many possibilities that Booking.com offers for booking your stay, there are also many reviews regarding the website’s services. The latter would not always meet the needs of users, who do not fail to point this out.
Let’s first find out what the advantages of Booking are:
- As you can see, you will be able to book a wide range of accommodation there. You will be able to select where you would like to go, and also the type of accommodation you prefer, from the different choices available.
- The site allows you to compare prices between the different offers available. You can therefore choose the offer that best suits your needs.
What are the most negative points of Booking?
Despite the previous points, Booking also brings together a large list of more negative points.
On booking.com, the prices available to you may be higher than those you could find by going directly to the accommodation you are interested in. Why that ? It’s simple, on each reservation, the site takes a significant margin, both for the host and for the customer.
Thus, you could use the site to find ideas for stays and rentals that may interest you, however, we subsequently recommend that you contact these rentals directly to book your stay. You might be surprised to see the price difference!
Booking.com is therefore not, in our opinion, the most suitable site for booking accommodation online, while saving money. It’s up to you to act knowingly!